18 May 2010

Awesome Sound Performance

If you're in an area where you can make loud, horrible noise for two minutes, crank your speakers and watch this amazing video.


11 May 2010

Three Page Comic

Hey there, everyone. I had a couple of people ask me to post my three-page comic to the blog. So here it is. Enjoy.

10 May 2010

Intermedia Server

Does anyone know the Intermedia Server address? It is not off the main saah server...

Thank youuu!
Can someone let me know thanks a bunnncH!


This week a team of skilled spaceship engineers, spacesuit designers and I will be turning Public Space One's performance room into SPACE SHIP 1!

You are all invited to come to the event or, better yet, come and play during the week--everyone is invited!  Anyone who likes can come by and play, help, or just chitty chat. Please bring any unwanted packaging materials, tubes, boxes, cardboard, neat stuff!

We are hoping actual kids will come on Saturday. If you have or know some, please pass on the info.

Tues: logistical planning
Weds: 3-9ish
Thursday: noon-9ish
Friday: 10 to 5
Saturday: Launch day! The event is from 1-3PM!

08 May 2010

Wooden Mirrors

Here's some links to some YouTube videos showing how these wooden mirrors work, just to prove I'm not completely crazy.

This video describes the whole thing in detail:

But this is the cooler design in my opinion. It doesn't show it very well, and I can't find a better video, but this design uses wooden dowels cut on an angle that cast the light rather than a flat piece.

07 May 2010

My beach house's bookshelf

So this past week I was on vacation in Charleston, South Carolina. We rented a beach house on the Isle of Palms, which was fully furnished with everything you could ever need/want.

Here's the bookshelf. Feel free to judge, or not judge.

Procrastination at its best
